Corporate Physiotherapy and Massage
We provide a rapid return to work service for companies with employees struggling to perform to their best.
Corporate Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy in the work place will ensure employees spend as little time away from work as possible. Our bespoke on-site service can last from between 3 hours to full time, but would be tailored to meet your companies’ requirements.
Our expertise is providing effective ways of getting patients better faster by identifying the root cause underlying the problem and arriving at a solution to allow the patient to move without pain. We empower the patient to take responsibility for their problem by demonstrating better ways to move, lift and function without pain.
We can work alongside Occupational Health, Human Resource and Health & Safety Departments in order to ensure maximum benefit to the patient and ensure a faster return to work.
We offer:
On-site physiotherapy service
Fast access to our own physiotherapists in clinic
Manual handling and lifting advice
Work Station Assessments
Pre-employment fitness screening

Soft Touch Therapy Clinic offers occupational physiotherapy services to all types of business.
These services include:
Onsite ergonomic assessment for workstations
Assessment of a workers office or other workstation, including individuals posture at the workstation and reporting of changes recommended.
Pre-employment assessment
Assessment of potential employees for acceptable physical capacity to perform the specified role. Can be tailored to specific types of roles or industries.
Worksite assessments
On site assessment of workers in their workplace. Can be used to provide ergonomic set-up of workstations or assess specific work related concerns.
Graduated return to work plans
Development of staged plans to assist injured workers to increase their capacity safely back to a return to pre-injury duties.
Manual handling, risk assessment, training and reporting
In house training for workers in theory and practice of safe manual handling. Identification and documentation of manual handling risks in the workplace. Can be done in conjunction with job dictionary.
Development of job dictionary
Document physical demands of each role within a workplace. Useful as a reference tool for Workcover purposes and regular OH&S audits.
Our occupational physiotherapists have extensive experience providing services in a variety of occupational settings including but not limited to industrial, nursing, corporate and office.